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We are a team of lawyers with international experience. We offer our clients expert solutions beyond their expectations.

Down to Earth,
Direct, Dynamic.

We try to understand each client's story as much as possible and propose the best solution. We translate legalese into language you can understand.

Meet our team

Down to Earth,
Direct, Dynamic.

We will set a suitable strategy and get down to work with full commitment.

Contact us
  • So far, we are absolutely satisfied. Their work is very energetic and they are very prompt.
    Tatiana Ondrejková

    Entrepreneur, Investor and CEO at

  • In addition to their high expertise, we chose the law firm Poláček & Partners because of their human approach, which helped us to always formulate the problem in the right way and to find solutions to even very challenging questions in the field of energy legislation.
    Peter Badík

    Co-founder and Managing Partner at Greenway

  • We value the quality of our mutual cooperation the most, and by that quality I mainly mean care, attention to detail and thoughtfulness of all the steps, both in the tactical matters and in the more strategic ones.
    Jan Vymazal

    CEO and Board Member at GGE a. s.

  • What impresses me the most are the deep internalized values, sense of justice and humanity they put into their work.
    Natália Blahová

    former member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, who opened the Čistý deň case

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