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Corporate Law, Mergers & Acquisitions

We understand the business and setting up of corporate structures; therefore we can help with the establishment of commercial companies, the preparation of statutes and other internal documents, the organization of general meetings, the increase and decrease of share capital and the liquidation of companies.

The members of our team are respected experts with high-quality education and extensive experience.


Pavol Poláček

Pavol Poláček


Juraj Ondrejka

Juraj Ondrejka


Jakub Žák

Jakub Žák


Patrik Repka

Patrik Repka


Hieu Trung Nguyen

Hieu Trung Nguyen


Melisa Prečuchová

Melisa Prečuchová


We easily guide our clients through the process of mergers and acquisitions, including mergers, consolidations and divisions of companies, transfers of business interests and shares, sales of companies and the specific assets and investment inputs into other companies. We help with the structuring and planning of transactions, legal audits (due diligence) and the preparation of transaction documents.

We also deal with bankruptcy and restructuring issues. We assist our clients in submitting creditor or debtor proposals for declaring bankruptcy or allowing restructuring, in filing and denying claims, and representing them at creditor meetings and creditor committees.

A job well done fills us with energy.

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