15 MAY 2024
Author of the article
See the most
important news in the field of Slovak energy legislation for the month of April
RONI has published
the planned scope of changes of the upcoming price decrees in the energy
sector. In the electric energy industry, the methodology of TPS and TSS, as
well as the amount of the G-component, are to be changed significantly.
RONI also submitted
drafts of the electricity market rules and gas market rules to the interdepartmental
comment procedure.
You can read more about these and many other interesting news in our monitoring for the month of April 2024, which you can also download in PDF format. If you wish to subscribe to our monthly Monitoring of Energy Legislation, send us an email to office@polacekpartners.sk.
We wish you a pleasant reading!
ELECTRIC ENERGY AND GAS INDUSTRY Act no. 309/2009 Coll. on the support of RES no Act no. 250/2012 Coll. on Regulation no Act no. 251/2012 Coll. on Energy no Act no. 321/2014 Coll. on energy efficiency no Act no. 609/2007 Coll. on excise duty on electricity, coal and natural gas no Act no. 555/2005 Coll. on energy efficiency of buildings no RONI Decree no. 490/2009 Coll., laying down details on the support of RES no RONI Decree no. 92/2023 Coll., laying down the conditions of the tender procedure for the provision of electricity storage facility services no RONI Decree no. 107/2023 Coll., establishing price regulation of electricity supply no RONI Decree no. 207/2023 Coll., establishing the rules for the functioning of the internal electricity market no RONI Decree no. 208/2023 Coll., establishing the rules for the functioning of the internal natural gas market no RONI Decree no. 230/2023 Coll., establishing the content requirements of the distribution system development plan no RONI Decree no. 285/2012 Coll., establishing price regulation for the supply of natural gas to small businesses no RONI Decree no. 285/2012 Coll., establishing price regulation for the supply of natural gas to small businesses no RONI Decree no. 450/2022 Coll., establishing price regulation in natural gas industry no Vyhláška ÚRSO č. 451/2022 Z. z., ktorou sa ustanovuje cenová regulácia vybraných regulovaných činností v plynárenstve a niektoré podmienky vykonávania vybraných regulovaných činností v plynárenstve no RONI Decree no. 18/2017 Coll., establishing price regulation in the electric energy and some conditions for the performance of regulated activities in the electric energy industry no RONI Decree no. 370/2023 Coll., establishing price regulation in the field of supporting electricity production and some related conditions for the performance of regulated activities no RONI Decree no. 246/2023 Coll., establishing price regulation of selected regulated activities in the electric energy industry and some conditions for the performance of selected regulated activities in the electric energy industry no RONI Decree no. 278/2012 Coll., establishing quality standards for gas storage, gas transportation, gas distribution and gas supply no RONI Decree no. 236/2016 Coll., establishing quality standards for electricity transmission, electricity distribution and electricity supply no RONI Decree no. 2/2013 Coll., establishing procedures and measures regarding data storage, form and content of stored data no RONI Decree no. 3/2013 Coll., establishing the method, scope and structure of providing measured data on consumption at the take-off point of the electricity consumer and their storage no RONI Decree no. 4/2013 Coll., establishing the method, scope and structure of providing measured data on consumption at the take-off point of the gas customer and their storage no RONI Decree no. 284/2012 Coll. on the rules for the sale of electricity in the form of auctions no RONI Decree no. 212/2005 Coll., establishing the application form for the issuance of a permit no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 599/2009 Coll., implementing certain provisions of the Act on the support of RES no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 270/2012 Coll. on professional competence for carrying out business activities in the energy sector no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 416/2012 Coll., establishing the details of the procedure for applying restrictive measures in a state of emergency and measures aimed at eliminating the state of emergency in the electric energy industry no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 106/2019 Coll., establishing the list of authorized industries, the scope and structure of the administration and the method of providing compensation to entrepreneurs no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 202/2019 Coll., establishing the conditions for participation in the auction for the selection of the electricity purchaser and determining the amount of the electricity purchaser's remuneration no THERMAL ENERGY Act no. 657/2004 Coll., on thermal energy no RONI Decree no. 312/2022 Coll., establishing price regulation in thermal energy no Vyhláška ÚRSO č. 248/2016 Z. z., ktorou sa ustanovuje cenová regulácia v tepelnej energetike no RONI Decree no. 277/2012 Coll., establishing heat supply quality standards no RONI Decree no. 328/2005 Coll., determining the method of verifying the economic efficiency of the operation of the heating facilities system, the energy efficiency indicators of heat production and heat distribution facilities, the normative indicators of heat consumption, the range of economically justified costs for the verification of the economic efficiency of the operation of the heating facilities system and the method of payment of these costs no RONI Decree no. 283/2010 Coll., establishing the range of economically justified costs caused by disconnection of the consumer from the supplier's heating facilities system and the method of their calculation no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 151/2005 Coll., establishing the procedure for preventing the occurrence and removing the consequences of a state of emergency in the thermal energy industry no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 152/2005 Coll. on the specified time and on the specified quality of heat supply for the end consumer no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 15/2016 Coll., establishing the method of calculating the annual heat production in the production of electricity no Vyhláška MH SR č. 240/2016 Z. z., ktorou sa ustanovuje teplota teplej úžitkovej vody na odbernom mieste, pravidlá rozpočítavania množstva tepla dodaného v teplej úžitkovej vode a rozpočítavania množstva tepla no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 503/2022 Coll., establishing the temperature of hot water at the take-off point and the rules for budgeting costs for the amount of heat supplied in hot water, costs for the amount of heat supplied for heating, costs for the amount of heat supplied or the amount of heat produced in a decentralized heat source and economically justified costs for heat produced in a decentralized heat source no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 308/2016 Coll. establishing the procedure for calculating the primary energy factor of the centralized heat supply system no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 14/2016 Coll., establishing technical requirements for thermal insulation of heat and hot water distribution systems no
Note: In our monitoring of energy legislation, we monitor
for you the changes to the above-mentioned legal regulations, which were
published in the Collection of Laws of the Slovak Republic last month. In the
month of April 2024, no change to any of the afore mentioned legal
regulations was published in the Collection of Laws of the Slovak Republic.
On 3 May 2024, the National Council of the Slovak
Republic (hereinafter referred to as the "NC SR") received a
government proposal for an act amending Act no. 250/2012 Coll. on regulation in
network industries, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation
Act"), and amending Act no. 657/2004 Coll. on Thermal Energy
(hereinafter referred to as the "Thermal Energy Act") and Act
no. 251/2012 Coll. on Energy and on amendments to certain laws (hereinafter
referred to as the "Energy Act").
The aim of the draft law is to amend selected
provisions of the Regulation Act, the Thermal Energy Act and the Energy Act in
such a way that, in times of extraordinary circumstances, emergency
operation of facilities necessary for the performance of regulated activities,
emergency operation of a system of thermal facilities or parts thereof can
be ensured in a defined area.
The amendment of the above-mentioned acts should also
ensure the continuity of the operation of such facilities. In the event of
their shutdown and long-term suspension of operation, they could be damaged,
which would result in a limitation or suspension of supply.
Moreover, the following changes are proposed:
The draft law is proposed to be effective on the date
of its promulgation.
The status of the current legislative process, which
is currently in the first reading stage, can be followed at this
On 6 May 2024, draft of RONI decrees regulating price
regulation in the energy sector were published in the electronic collection of
laws of the Slovak Republic.
The changes concern the following legal regulations:
status of the current legislative process, including the accompanying
documentation for the draft of the new price decree in the gas industry,
which is currently at the stage of the interdepartmental comment procedure, can
be followed at
this link.
status of the current legislative process, including the accompanying
documentation for the draft of the new price decree in the electric energy
industry, which is currently at the stage of the interdepartmental comment
procedure, can be followed at this link .
status of the current legislative process, including the accompanying
documentation for the proposal to change the price decree in thermal energy
industry, which is currently at the stage of the interdepartmental
comment procedure, can be followed at this link.
the above-mentioned draft decrees were according to Art. 13 (7) of the
Legislative Rules of the Government of the Slovak Republic submitted to the shortened
interdepartmental comment procedure for the purpose of preventing significant
economic damage on the gas, electricity and heat market.
6 May 2024, an amendment to the RONI Decree no. 207/2023 Coll., establishing
the rules for the functioning of the internal electricity market, the content
requirements of the operating rules of the system operator, the organizer of
the short-term electricity market and the scope of commercial conditions that
are part of the operating rules of the system operator as amended by Decree no.
492/2023 Coll. (hereinafter referred to as "electricity market rules")
and the amendment to RONI Decree no. 208/2023 Coll., establishing the rules for
the functioning of the internal gas market, the content of the operating rules
of system operator and storage operator's operating rules and the scope of
commercial conditions that are part of the system operator's operating rules as
amended by Decree no. 491/2023 Coll. (hereinafter referred to as "gas
market rules"), were published in the electronic collection of laws of
the Slovak Republic.
We informed you more about the upcoming changes to the
electricity market rules and the gas market rules in the monitoring for the month of March 2024.
status of the current legislative process, including the accompanying
documentation for the amendment to the electricity market rules, which
is currently in the stage of the interdepartmental comment procedure, can be
monitored at this link.
status of the current legislative process, including the accompanying
documentation for the amendment to the gas market rules, which is
currently in the stage of the interdepartmental comment procedure, can be
monitored at this link.
the draft electricity market rules and the draft gas market rules were
submitted to a shortened interdepartmental comment procedure in order to
prevent significant economic damage to the electricity and gas market.
On 3 May 2024, the last update of the draft law was
published in the electronic collection of laws of the Slovak Republic, which is
to amend Act no. 414/2012 Coll. on trading with emission quotas and on the
amendment of certain acts as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Trading
with emission quotas Act") and at the same time Act No. 587/2004 Coll.
on the environmental fund and on the amendment of certain acts, as amended. The
proposer of the draft law is the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak
Republic (hereinafter referred to as "Ministry of the Environment of
the Slovak Republic").
According to the explanatory report to the draft law,
the main instrument for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in large industrial
facilities is the European greenhouse gas emission quota trading system
(hereinafter referred to as the "EU ETS"). The European Union,
including its member states, have made a legislative commitment to reduce the
level of greenhouse gas emissions after deducting their removal by at least 55%
by the year 2030 compared to the reference year 1990.
The EU ETS is to be extended to include the maritime
transport sector, while a new trading system with emission quotas is to be
introduced for the buildings sector, the road transport sector and other
sectors, in which a 42% reduction in emissions compared to the year 2005 is to
be achieved by the year 2030.
The aim of the proposed law is to regulate:
The priority of the proposed amendment is primarily to
introduce a new trading system with greenhouse gas emission quotas.
The state of the current legislative process, which is
currently in the stage of the interdepartmental comment procedure, can be
monitored at this link.
On 19
April 2024, at the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
(hereinafter referred to as "Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic")
a call was announced for the selection of expert evaluators of applications for
the provision of a non-repayable financial contribution, for the evaluation
area: research/development, for measure: 8.1.2 of the Slovakia 2021–2027
Ministry of the Economy of the Slovak Republic, as the intermediary body for
the Slovakia 2021-2027 Program, announces the call in question for the purpose
of carrying out a expert evaluation of applications for a non-repayable
financial contribution.
can find the call for the selection of expert evaluators at
this link.
will learn more about the call HERE.
On 29 April 2024, the Slovak Innovation and Energy
Agency (hereinafter referred to as "SIEA") published
information that the updated Green Household information system is back in
operation after the introduction of new functionalities.
At the same time, SIEA stated that in the next phase,
the activation of applications by contractors and the issuing of vouchers will
be gradually launched. The sum of 151.6 million EUR is allocated in the project
until the year 2029 for equipment for the use of renewable energy sources.
In the new system, households have a longer time to
choose a equipment. When filling out the application, they no longer have to
indicate a specific type of equipment, but just choose the type and installed
power. The production type of the equipment is specified by the contractors
only after its installation in the application for reimbursement of the
voucher. Households can edit their applications until the vouchers are issued.
Contributions from this project can be used for
photovoltaic systems, heat pumps, solar collectors, biomass boilers and wind
turbines that were installed after 30 October 2023.
will find out more information about the topic HERE.
On 19 April 2024, RONI published information on the
content of the upcoming price decrees in the energy sector on its website.
According to RONI, the aim of the price decrees is to bring a reduction in the
prices of electricity, gas and heat for Slovak households and stability for
other market participants.
RONI intends to amend the following price decrees with effect from 1 July 2024:
The new price decree in the electric energy industry should mainly bring:
The new price decree in the gas industry should mainly bring:
The amendment to the price decree in the thermal energy industry should bring:
You can read more about the topic from RONI´s point of
view HERE.
On 25 April 2024, RONI informed market participants
about their obligations in connection with the revised REMIT regulation via its
Following the changes to the regulation, new data
fields for the notification of algorithmic trading and direct electronic access
were inserted into the system of the national register of market participants
CEREMP, in order to enable market participants to fulfill their obligations.
The revised provisions of the REMIT regulation entered into force on 7 May 2024, by which date the concerned market participants must have fulfilled the following notification obligations:
At the same time, RONI points out that the
above-stated information must be provided at the end of the 1st part of the
registration form of a market participant in CEREMP. At the same time, this
information will not be displayed in the public European register of market
You can read more about this topic HERE.
On 5
April 2024, information about the national program "Green for Businesses"
appeared on the website of Stredoslovenská energetika (SSE), the aim of which
is to support the use of renewable resources in businesses. SSE informs that
through the pilot project, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises will be
able to receive a financial contribution in the form of a voucher for the installation
of equipment for the use of renewable energy sources, as well as for the
preparation of energy audits.
informs in more detail that the vouchers will be able to cover 35% of the total
eligible costs, with the possibility of a bonus of 5%, if the energy audit
confirms that at least 90% of the energy produced in each of the supported
equipment will be consumed in the company. An additional 5% will be available
for equipment with minimal air pollution. The maximum contribution amount
will be 70,000 EUR per company. The maximum price per unit of installed
power will also be determined to ensure the economical use of expenses.
The subject of support will be:
Eligible applicants for the Green for Businesses
contribution are micro, small and medium-sized businesses in accordance with
the EC regulation. These include companies that employ less than 250 employees
and have an annual turnover of no more than 50 million EUR or a maximum balance
sheet amount of 43 million EUR.
According to information from SSE, the call is
currently in the preparation stage, and although it is not yet possible to
apply for vouchers, SIEA is already announcing its launch in the 2nd quarter of
2024. The submission of an energy audit by a company is a mandatory part of
an application for a contribution from the Green for businesses project.
Learn more about the topic HERE.
On 12 April 2024, the company OKTE, a.s. informed that
from 22 March 2024 to 9 April 2024, a public consultation took place on the
prepared operating rules of the short-term electricity market organizer.
OKTE, a.s. stated that 2 concerned market participants
participated in the public consultation and a total of 2 comments were raised,
none of which were accepted.
The text of the received comments together with the
statement of OKTE, a.s. is available HERE.
You can read more detailed information HERE.
On 18 April 2024, the Ministry of the Environment of
the Slovak Republic informed on its website about the announcement of a call
for grant applications under the environment and climate protection LIFE
2021-2027 program, which was announced by the European Commission with a total
allocation of 571 million EUR.
According to the Ministry, the call is announced
separately for individual areas of support and types of projects.
The call concerns the so-called standard action
projects, action grants, strategic integrated projects, strategic nature
protection projects, technical assistance projects, operational grants and
preparatory projects to support ad hoc legislative and political priorities
You can read more about the call HERE.
On 12 April 2024, the Ministry of the Environment of
the Slovak Republic announced on its website that as part of the upcoming call
no. 2 for the decarbonization of industry from the funds of the Recovery and
Resilience Plan of the Slovak Republic, it invites industrial entities involved
in the EU ETS greenhouse gas emission quota trading system to submit proposals
for setting up the call based on the Scheme of State Aid for the
Decarbonization of Industry from the Recovery and Resilience Plan to the e-mail
address dekarbonizacia@enviro.gov.sk.
You can read more detailed information HERE.
You can download the monitoring for the month of April
2024 in PDF format here.
If you wish to subscribe to our monthly Monitoring of Energy Legislation, send us an email to office@polacekpartners.sk.
Legal notice
The information provided to the subscriber as part of the monitoring of energy legislation is not a source of legally binding legislation, as only the collection of laws of the Slovak Republic contains the legally binding wording of the legislation in terms of the legal code of the Slovak Republic. The information provided to the subscriber is only informative and does not replace legal service pursuant to the Act no. 586/2003 Coll. on advocacy. The law firm POLÁČEK & PARTNERS s.r.o. is not responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information provided in the energy legislation monitoring. In case of questions regarding the information provided to the subscriber, the subscriber can ask the law firm POLÁČEK & PARTNERS s.r.o. for the provision of legal services for this purpose
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