17 OCTOBER 2024
Author of the article
See the most
important news in the field of Slovak energy legislation for the month of September
RONI has initiated legislative processes on
the draft of the new Price decree in
thermal energy and on the amendments
to the decrees on quality
The new SEPS operating rules, the updated
list of electricity producers who are in arrears or the announcement of
the second call aimed at supporting the development of innovative solutions
in the field of decarbonization should not escape your attention.
You can read more
about these and many other interesting news in our monitoring for
the month of September 2024, which you can also download in PDF format.
We wish you a pleasant reading!
ELECTRIC ENERGY AND GAS INDUSTRY Act no. 309/2009 Coll. on the support of RES no Act no. 250/2012 Coll. on Regulation no Act no. 251/2012 Coll. on Energy no Act no. 321/2014 Coll. on energy efficiency no Act no. 609/2007 Coll. on excise duty on electricity, coal and natural gas no Act no. 555/2005 Coll. on energy efficiency of buildings no RONI Decree no. 490/2009 Coll., laying down details on the support of RES no RONI Decree no. 92/2023 Coll., laying down the conditions of the tender procedure for the provision of electricity storage facility services no RONI Decree no. 107/2023 Coll., establishing price regulation of electricity supply no RONI Decree no. 207/2023 Coll., establishing the rules for the functioning of the internal electricity market no RONI Decree no. 208/2023 Coll., establishing the rules for the functioning of the internal natural gas market no RONI Decree no. 230/2023 Coll., establishing the content requirements of the distribution system development plan no RONI Decree no. 285/2012 Coll., establishing price regulation for the supply of natural gas to small businesses no RONI Decree no. 370/2023 Coll., establishing price regulation in the field of supporting electricity production and some related conditions for the performance of regulated activities no Vyhláška ÚRSO č. 147/2024 Z. z., ktorou sa ustanovuje cenová regulácia regulovaných činností v plynárenstve no RONI Decree no. 246/2023 Coll., establishing price regulation of selected regulated activities in the electric energy industry and some conditions for the performance of selected regulated activities in the electric energy industry no RONI Decree no. 154/2024 Coll., establishing price regulation in electric energy industry and some conditions for the performance of selected regulated activities in the electric energy industry no RONI Decree no. 278/2012 Coll., establishing quality standards for gas storage, gas transportation, gas distribution and gas supply no RONI Decree no. 236/2016 Coll., establishing quality standards for electricity transmission, electricity distribution and electricity supply no RONI Decree no. 284/2012 Coll. on the rules for the sale of electricity in the form of auctions no RONI Decree no. 212/2005 Coll., establishing the application form for the issuance of a permit no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 599/2009 Coll., implementing certain provisions of the Act on the support of RES no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 270/2012 Coll. on professional competence for carrying out business activities in the energy sector no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 416/2012 Coll., establishing the details of the procedure for applying restrictive measures in a state of emergency and measures aimed at eliminating the state of emergency in the electric energy industry no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 106/2019 Coll., establishing the list of authorized industries, the scope and structure of the administration and the method of providing compensation to entrepreneurs no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 202/2019 Coll., establishing the conditions for participation in the auction for the selection of the electricity purchaser and determining the amount of the electricity purchaser's remuneration no THERMAL ENERGY Act no. 657/2004 Coll., on thermal energy no RONI Decree no. 312/2022 Coll., establishing price regulation in thermal energy no RONI Decree no. 277/2012 Coll., establishing heat supply quality standards no RONI Decree no. 328/2005 Coll., determining the method of verifying the economic efficiency of the operation of the heating facilities system, the energy efficiency indicators of heat production and heat distribution facilities, the normative indicators of heat consumption, the range of economically justified costs for the verification of the economic efficiency of the operation of the heating facilities system and the method of payment of these costs no Vyhláška ÚRSO č. 146/2024 Z. z., ktorou sa ustanovuje rozsah ekonomicky oprávnených nákladov vyvolaných odpojením sa odberateľa od sústavy tepelných zariadení dodávateľa a spôsob ich výpočtu no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 151/2005 Coll., establishing the procedure for preventing the occurrence and removing the consequences of a state of emergency in the thermal energy industry no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 152/2005 Coll. on the specified time and on the specified quality of heat supply for the end consumer no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 15/2016 Coll., establishing the method of calculating the annual heat production in the production of electricity no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 503/2022 Coll., establishing the temperature of hot water at the take-off point and the rules for budgeting costs for the amount of heat supplied in hot water, costs for the amount of heat supplied for heating, costs for the amount of heat supplied or the amount of heat produced in a decentralized heat source and economically justified costs for heat produced in a decentralized heat source no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 308/2016 Coll. establishing the procedure for calculating the primary energy factor of the centralized heat supply system no Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 14/2016 Coll., establishing technical requirements for thermal insulation of heat and hot water distribution systems no
Note: In
our monitoring of energy legislation, we monitor for you the changes to the
above-mentioned legal regulations, which were published in the Collection of
Laws of the Slovak Republic last month.
On 4 September 2024, a comment procedure was initiated on the preliminary
information on the draft decree of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries
(hereinafter referred to as "RONI"), which amends and
supplements the RONI decree no. 312/2022 Coll.,
establishing price regulation in thermal energy (hereinafter referred to as the
"Price decree in thermal energy") under legislative process
number: PI/2024/199.
The purpose of the draft is to amend and supplement some provisions of
the Price decree in thermal energy, in particular the scope, structure and
amount of economically justified costs.
The preparatory stage of the legislative process was completed on 4 September 2024.
The start date of the interdepartmental comment procedure is expected to
be in October 2024.
The current status of
the legislative process, which is currently in the preliminary information
comment stage, can be followed at this link.
On 12 September 2024, RONI submitted into the interdepartmental comment
procedure a draft decree amending and
supplementing the RONI decree no. 236/2016 Coll., establishing quality standards for electricity transmission,
electricity distribution and electricity supply, under legislative process
number: LP/2024/477.
The proposed amendment should bring:
The draft decree should also take into account changes in the primary
legislation as well as the experience that resulted from the application of
quality standards in practice.
The draft decree is
to enter into force on 1 January 2025.
The status of the
current legislative process, which is currently in the evaluation stage of the
interdepartmental comment procedure, can be followed at this link.
On 12 September 2024, RONI submitted a draft RONI decree amending and supplementing the RONI decree no. 278/2012 Coll., establishing quality standards for gas storage, gas transportation,
gas distribution and gas supply as amended by Decree no. 233/2016 Coll., under
legislative process number: LP/2024/480.
The proposed amendment should bring:
The draft decree should also take into account changes in the primary
legislation as well as the experience that resulted from the application of
quality standards in practice.
The draft decree is
to enter into force on 1 January 2025.
The status of the current legislative process,
which is currently in the evaluation stage of the interdepartmental comment
procedure, can be followed at this link.
On 12 September 2024, RONI submitted a draft RONI decree amending and supplementing the RONI decree no. 277/2012 Coll., establishing heat supply quality standards as amended by Decree no.
234/2016 Coll., under legislative process number: LP/2024/481.
The proposed amendment should bring:
The draft decree
should also take into account changes in the primary legislation as well as the
experience that resulted from the application of quality standards in practice.
The draft decree is
to enter into force on 1 January 2025.
The status of the
current legislative process, which is currently in the evaluation stage of the
interdepartmental comment procedure, can be followed at this link.
On 30 September 2024, the interdepartmental comment procedure on the
draft decree, amending and
supplementing decree no. 503/2022 Coll., which establishes the temperature of hot water at the off-take point and
the rules for calculating costs for the amount of heat supplied in hot water,
costs for the amount of heat supplied for heating, costs for the amount of heat
supplied or the amount of heat produced in a decentralized heat source and
economically justified costs for heat produced in a decentralized heat source,
under the legislative process number: LP/2024/217.
The aim of the draft is to strengthen the ability of owners of apartments
and non-residential premises to make decisions when taking into account the
range of economically justified costs for decentralized heat sources in
connection with the performance of the administration.
The draft proposes to clarify the provisions on the redistribution of
heating costs for apartments and non-residential spaces with individual heat
preparation in apartment buildings with a favourable, but also with a
disadvantageous location. At the same time, the draft of the decree responds to
the modifications of Sec. 17e (4) of Act no. 355/2007 Coll. on the Protection,
promotion and development of public health and on the amendment of some laws
increasing the minimum temperature of hot water at the off-take point.
In addition, the draft should also address some other problems identified
within application practice.
The date effectiveness of the decree is proposed to be 15 December 2024.
The current status of
the legislative process, which is at the stage of interdepartmental comment
procedure, can be followed at
this link.
On 25 September 2024, the interdepartmental comment procedure was
initiated on the draft act amending and supplementing Act No. 609/2007 Coll. on
excise duty on electricity, coal and natural gas (hereinafter referred to as
the "Act on Excise duty on electricity, coal and natural gas"), under
legislative process number: LP/2024/496.
The primary aim of
the draft act is to support the production of electricity from RES, motivate
potential producers, reduce the burden on the environment and strengthen the
energy security of the Slovak Republic.
The purpose of the
draft act is to provide relief to citizens and legal entities that have
small sources of electricity by exempting them from (i) the
obligation to pay tax and (ii) proving the guarantee of the origin of
electricity from renewable energy sources (RES).
According to the
draft act, the threshold for a small energy source increases from the
current 10 kW to 50 kW.
According to the
current wording of the Act on Excise duty on electricity, coal and natural gas,
the tax exemption applies only if the energy is produced from RES and if its
production is proven by a guarantee of the origin of the electricity from RES.
The draft act proposes to exempt small sources from the obligation to prove
the guarantee of the origin of electricity, which should simplify and speed
up the process of their use.
The electricity tax
exemption for small sources is intended to reduce the financial burden on
households and legal entities that have invested in alternative energy sources
such as solar panels, small wind turbines and the like. Inter alia, this relief
is intended to contribute to people's energy self-sufficiency.
The draft act is to
enter into force on 1 January 2025.
The status of the current legislative process,
which is currently at the stage of the interdepartmental comment procedure, can
be followed at this link.
RONI has published an updated list of electricity producers on its website according to Sec. 3b (5) and (6) of Act no. 309/2009
Coll. on the Support of renewable energy sources and highly efficient
cogeneration and on the amendment of certain acts (hereinafter referred to as
the "RES and CHP Support
Act"), who are in
arrears with the payment of registered arrears to the tax office, the customs
office, with the payment of registered arrears on insurance premiums for social
insurance and registered overdue receivables from the health insurance company.
The RONI list takes into account the record of arrears of electricity
producers from RES as of 30 September 2024 and is available HERE.
Producers of electricity from RES for the period in which they are
registered as debtors in this list are
not entitled to support in the form of a feed-in tariff. However, this is only a temporary
suspension of the payment of the feed-in tariff, which results from the provision of Sec. 3b (5) of the RES and CHP
Support Act, according to which "an electricity producer with the right
to support cannot exercise the right to support for electricity production
facility in the form of a feed-in tariff or surcharge during the period of
delay with the payment of registered arrears towards the tax office, the
customs office, with the payment of registered arrears on social insurance
premiums and registered overdue receivables from the health insurance company
according to special regulations".
However, this sanction does not have the character of a complete loss of
the right to support in the form of a feed-in tariff. It applies that if
the electricity producer incurs arrears towards the above-mentioned
authorities, the right to support in the form of a feed-in tariff does not
disappear permanently as a whole, but only for the period of delay in
fulfilling their tax and contribution obligations. As soon as the producer pays
their obligations, the support in the form of a feed-in tariff will start
to be provided to them again.
More detailed information is published on the RONI website at this link.
On 20 September 2024,
the Ministry of the Economy of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as
"Ministry of the
Economy") announced on
its website that the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic, within
the component 9 of the Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Slovak Republic,
published a call aimed at
supporting the development of innovative solutions in the field of
decarbonization no. 2 (code: 09I04-03-V04).
The Ministry of the Economy is the intermediary within the call and will
ensure its implementation. The call aims to support green transformation,
decarbonization, as well as resilience and adaptation to climate change in
topics that are aligned with the priority topics expected in the Horizon Europe
Eligible applicants are:
The call was opened on
19 September 2024, and its closing date is set on 31 December 2024.
The call allocation is
14, 889,000 EUR.
The full text of the
call is available HERE.
You can find out more
information HERE.
On 16 September 2024, the Environmental Fund
(hereinafter referred to as "Envirofond") published
information on its website that it issued a new loan specification of
support activities in the form of a loan for municipalities and counties.
At the same time, due
to the publication of the new specification, the Envirofond issued guidelines
for the conclusion of the specification Conditions for the specification of
support in the form of a loan for municipalities and counties as of 16
September 2024.
You can find out more
information HERE.
On 11 September 2024,
the Envirofond published a list of answers to frequently asked questions
regarding the MoF– 2/2024 Call for the submission of applications for the provision of funds in the
form of subsidies for projects from the Modernization Fund to support
investments in the modernization of
energy systems, including energy storage and energy efficiency improvement.
The prepared Envirofond
document with answers to frequently asked questions of applicants is available HERE.
The text of the MoF – 2/2024
call itself is available HERE.
On 24 September 2024,
the organizer of the short-term electricity market, the company OKTE, a.s.
(hereinafter referred to as "OKTE") has published introductory information and contact information
for the project that OKTE is launching under the working title "Billing
data in OKTE".
The project is
supposed to fulfil the requirements resulting from the RONI decree no. 207/2023
Coll., which establishes the rules for the functioning of the internal
electricity market, the content requirements of the operating rules of the
system operator, the organizer of the short-term electricity market and the
scope of commercial conditions that are part of the operating rules of the
system operator.
OKTE informs that the
so-called phase 1 (specification) is currently ongoing, the aim of which is the
development of a conceptual proposal for the solution of Billing data in OKTE
and its gradual negotiation with market participants.
More information about the
project is available HERE.
On 30 September 2024, the Ministry of the Economy announced on its website the planned special levy for energy companies. The Ministry of the Economy states that it proposed to remove this levy from the consolidation measures. However, according to the Ministry of the Economy, this decision will have to be compensated by another measure based on the request of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as "Ministry of Finance"), which is an additional adjustment of the corporate income tax rate and changes in the payment of dividends from the energy sector.
According to the
Ministry of the Economy, such an introduction of a sectoral tax could cause
complications, especially in relation to the competitiveness of Slovak energy
companies and their investment activities. The agreement between the Ministry
of the Economy and the Ministry of Finance is intended to ensure that the
memorandum with Slovenské elektrárne will not need to be opened additionally,
and Slovenské elektrárne will thus continue to be able to guarantee electricity
prices for households.
The Ministry of the
Economy hopes that the new solidarity mechanism will contribute to the
stabilization of public finances and strengthen the country's economic
cohesion, while creating space for further development and investment in the
Slovak economy.
More information is
available HERE.
On 1 October 2024,
OKTE announced on its website that from 10 September 2024 to 24 September 2024,
a public consultation on the prepared operating rules of OKTE took place.
According to OKTE, 4
market participants participated in the public consultation and 5 comments were
raised, of which 3 were partially or fully accepted.
The text of comments
with OKTE's statement is available HERE.
The amended wording of
OKTE´s operating rules based on accepted comments is available HERE.
More information is
available HERE.
On 19 September 2024,
OKTE announced on its website that a public consultation on the technical
specification of ISOT and ISZO external interfaces took place between 4
September 2024 and 18 September 2024.
1 market participant
joined the public consultation and raised 2 comments. You can find the comments
along with OKTE's statement HERE.
At the same time, OKTE
announced that the technical specifications of the external interfaces of the
ISOT and ISZO system were published HERE and HERE.
The effectiveness of
these versions of the technical specifications is assumed from 18 November 2024.
More information can be
found HERE.
On 1 October 2024, RONI reported on its website about the introduction of
a two-component price for water and sewage, which will consist of a fixed price
component and a variable price component in order to set the payment for water
management services in a targeted manner and on the basis of actual
economically justified costs for the use of water management services.
RONI justifies the mentioned change by the fact that the costs of
operating water and sewerage systems have so far been included in the total
price of water and sewerage, while customers with minimal consumption basically
did not contribute to the maintenance of the pipes, even though they had
constat access to them, but the consumers
with normal consumption paid for them.
According to RONI, the
introduction of a two-component price should result in a fairer distribution of
costs among all consumers, while the average price of water and sewage will not
change significantly.
You can read more about the report HERE.
On 24 September 2024,
RONI published a report on the costs of repair of RES for the purposes of
extended support on its website.
RONI states that costs of repair are costs incurred to remove partial physical wear and tear or damage
for the purpose of bringing it back to its previous condition or serviceable
condition. Putting it into serviceable condition is understood as carrying out
repairs using other than original materials, spare parts, components or
technologies, if there is no change in technical parameters or an increase in
the performance of the property, or a change in the purpose of use.
The RONI document on
the costs of repair of RES for the purposes of extended support is available HERE.
You can read more about the
report HERE.
On 20 September 2024,
RONI published on its website a methodology
for determining the value of equipment used for the performance of regulated
activities in network industries (hereinafter referred to as "Methodology").
The methodology
establishes precise procedures by which the general value of the property is
determined, which is the basis for determining
the price in price proceedings conducted by RONI, especially in the electricity, gas, heat and water
The Methodology for
determining the value of equipment used for the performance of regulated
activities is available HERE.
You can read more about the
RONI report HERE.
On 10 September 2024, Západoslovenská distribučná, a.s. (hereinafter
referred to as "ZSD") published on its website information about the ceremonial opening
of the new Mierovo electrical station near Bratislava.
ZSD reports that the construction of the new Mierovo electrical station
and related power lines involved an investment of more than 20 million EUR,
with an EU co-financing rate of 35%, from the Connecting Europe Energy
The Mierovo electrical station was built as part of a project of common
interest of the European Union called Danube Ingrid, it is the result of
cooperation between two Slovak companies - SEPS and ZSD - and the Hungarian
distribution system operator E.ON Észak-dunántúli Áramhárosáti Zrt. It is a
project with priority status and a position of the highest national importance.
Thanks to the
construction of the Mierovo station, the capacity for the integration of energy
producers from renewable sources into the distribution system will be expanded,
the connection of new consumers will be improved, and at the same time, the
safety and reliability of distribution in the region will increase.
You can read more about the ZSD report HERE.
On 3 September 2024,
the website of the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (hereinafter referred to
as "SIEA") published information on the amount of funds requested in the
call of the Slovakia Program aimed at reducing energy intensity and the use of RES in
public buildings with the code
PSK-SIEA-002 -2023-DV-EFRR – 32nd
evaluation round.
SIEA states in its
report that as of 27 September 2024, 707 applications were submitted within the
call in question. The call remains open.
You can find out more
information HERE.
On 13 September 2024,
the SIEA website also published information on the announcement of the call for
submission of the national Green for Businesses pilot project (code: PSK-SIEA-005-2024-NP-EFRR).
The Green for
Businesses national project is supposed to ensure (i) support for the installation of equipment for the use of RES in
micro-enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises throughout the territory
of the Slovak Republic through issued
vouchers, as well as (ii) an increase in the share of the use of renewable resources, taking into
account the principles of sustainability and supporting the decentralization of
energy production.
The text of the call
is available HERE.
You can find out more information HERE.
The company Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s. (hereinafter
referred to as "SEPS") informed on its website on 1 October 2024 that on 1 October 2024
its amended operating rules, approved by RONI decision no. 0011/2024/E-PP dated
27 September 2024, entered into force.
The SEPS operating rules,
effective from 1 October 2024, are available HERE.
More information is available HERE.
On 30 September 2024, information was
published on the SEPS website that on 12 September 2024 RONI issued Decision
no. 0009/2024/E-TP, which amends its decision on the approval of technical
requirements for regulatory services procured by the transmission system
operator and technical requirements for procured non-frequency auxiliary
services (Document B) and the conditions for procurement of non-frequency
auxiliary services based on market procedures by the transmission system
Document B, effective from 1 October 2024, is available HERE.
On 27 September 2024, information was published on the SEPS website about
the approval of the volumes of auxiliary
services for the year 2025, by decision of the SEPS board of directors
dated 10 September 2024.
Auxiliary services requirements for the year 2025 are available HERE.
You can find out more details HERE.
On 19 September 2029, SEPS also published
information on the publication of tendering rules for the procurement of auxiliary services for the period from 1 January 2025 to 31 December
2025, which are published HERE.
You can download the monitoring for the month of September 2024 in PDF format here.
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The information provided to the subscriber as part of the monitoring of energy legislation is not a source of legally binding legislation, as only the collection of laws of the Slovak Republic contains the legally binding wording of the legislation in terms of the legal code of the Slovak Republic. The information provided to the subscriber is only informative and does not replace legal service pursuant to the Act no. 586/2003 Coll. on advocacy. The law firm POLÁČEK & PARTNERS s. r. o. is not responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information provided in the energy legislation monitoring. In case of questions regarding the information provided to the subscriber, the subscriber can ask the law firm POLÁČEK & PARTNERS s. r. o. for the provision of legal services for this purpose.
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