18 DECEMBER 2020
Author of the article
We are pleased to be able to support professional discussions focused on one of our key legal areas - energy, even in these challenging times. One of these took place on 14 December 2020 at PRO-ENERGY talks conference, where representatives and leading experts from all energy sectors from Slovakia and the Czech Republic met.
Our law firm was a partner of this inspiring event. Our partner Pavol Poláček, who was also one of the conference speakers, was our representative.
addition to Pavol Poláček, the discussion on the future of energy was joined on
the Slovak side by:
The conference was hosted by Ing. Blahoslav Němeček, Ph.D. of EY a Mgr. Ján Pišta of JPX.
Among other things, Pavol Poláček explained in more detail the challenges associated with the implementation of the regulations of the Winter Energy Package, i.e., a set of eight EU directives and regulations, which fundamentally change the current face of Slovak and European energy. He also dealt in more detail with the Directive concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity, which Slovakia is obliged to transpose by 31 December 2020. In this context, he drew attention to the need to establish effective institutes that will operate not only "on paper" but also in practice. He drew attention, for example, to the provision of the directive which introduces the freedom for suppliers to determine the prices at which they will supply electricity to customers. Slovakia's obligation to ensure the protection of energy-poor and vulnerable customers is also not to be overlooked.
conference participants also commented on the issue of clarity and
comprehensibility of current energy legislation: “From my experience,
whether I talk to clients, foreign investors, domestic investors, stability in
the legal environment and regulations often change chaotically,
unsystematically. I would very much like the environment to be stable, where
clear rules are made and followed. These rules should then be clear and
understandable. It often happens to us that our clients ask various questions
about regulation or some energy legislation, and we spend many hours analysing
it and we are not able to give them a clear answer, because that answer simply
doesn't exist, no one has ever thought about it." said Pavol Poláček.
discussion was truly fruitful, and we are very happy to have been a part of it.
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